Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Was persuaded into signing up for a 10km marathon.
I was and am never a runner.
Waiting for God's miracle to perform on me......

life in a village

Went to a village in Vietnam recently for volunteer work.
Stayed for 10 days and the 10 days allowed me to see how life was like, in a village.
Early working hours, cold showers, red soil under your feet, soiled clothes.
Will I ever get used to such lifestyle?
To lead a life without warm showers, no internet access, little source of entertainment and a lack of sanitary facilities?

I've been thinking. About the money I'm spending here. Is it necessary to spend it on such? And I feel guilty.. :/ (thinking of people in the village with little to eat and unwillingly parting 20c just to go to the public shower area to shower)

Let's all be appreciative of what we have, prevent wastage (of food or hard earned money) and give thanks to the Lord for what he has given us.

God has also given me a new interest in volunteer work, which, I hope I will and I shall continue to do in Singapore.