Saturday, October 26, 2013

human trafficking

we live in such luxury and yet we still complain and keep wanting more.
and there we have people in poor countries struggling to feed themselves and then deceived into selling themselves. 
we decide our own path, our future but those people? they are poor and they take up anything that is offered, just for money. 
can we all appreciate what we have and stop asking for more?

Monday, July 8, 2013

let's do this.

I want to be a person who give thanks for every minute of my existence on this world.
I'm here for a reason and I want to make changes in people's life.
I'm working towards it^^
I can do this. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


I recently took up drum lessons. Now i'm going on my fourth class. I hope I can do this well and play in the church. not that tambourine is not nice but..3 tambourines..really.. .__.
I've been trying to look for my talent. Like how everyone is gifted in something. I'm trying to find mine. I was in a choir for 4 years, i kind of liked it but i don't think i can sing well (enough). I tried to learn guitar since 4 or 5 years ago and i'm trying to pick it up again but it's not easy seeing that i love to paint my nails...(life) Now i have an interest in ukulele and i have been practicing a few songs with it. It's much much more convenient (and easier) than picking up a guitar. I can play a few songs and that's about it, i don't know what to do with it. AND now drumming. Maybe i've found what i can do best^^ The teacher said i have a good sense of rhythm (which is good..i guess).

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Thank God for my mum.
She has been through so much suffering and torture and difficulties in her life, not once did she ever give up. and i thank God for such a brave mother.
Please continue to be with her and with us.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


people always say God is unfair, the world is unfair, everything is unfair.
Nope. all wrong.
God made normal people; normal, with hidden ingrown talent. He also made special people; special, with obvious overflowing talent.

Children with special needs has a flair in an area most of the time, be it drawing, dancing, music or even blessed with a good memory.
A child in my class is suspected to be a boy with autism. Let's call him H. He isn't able to speak clearly like children of his age and rarely socialise with the other children in the class. Despite the fact that he is suspected to have such a condition, H has an excellent memory and is able to remember Chinese words that his friends don't know. It is also heartening to hear that his classmates take good care of him (the girls adore him, that's what my teacher said). They were supposed to draw something but H took a blunt pencil and he did not know what to do. I told him to sharpen it and gave him a sharpener. The boy sitting beside him offered to sharpen his pencil (without prompting from anyone!!) and when he was done, H was told to take another pencil by the teacher. That disappointed face given by H's classmate was so...funny? hahaha so i told him to use it instead. :')

I'm not sure if the classmates know that he's special (they probably don't), but it is wonderful to see them caring for their classmates.

every single children is special and i thank God for that.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

be thankful

since it's good friday tomorrow, i should thank the Lord for my life and my family. 

I want to thank God for my father. Although he is not a christian (yet!) and he drinks everyday, I thank God that he is not an alcoholic. 
I thank God for my mother. Although she is naggy (and I think I inherited that trait), I thank God that she is very sentimental and is a good role model.
I thank God for my sister. Although she pisses me off at times, I thank God that I have a loving sister that would risk friendship.
I thank God for my brother. Although sometimes he is unwilling to be bossed around, I thank God that he does it in the end. 
I thank God for the 3 oldies at home. Although they piss me off all the time, I thank God that I now have a wider perspective.

Monday, March 25, 2013

sudden revelation

I shall not be afraid of injections anymore.
what can hurt more than a thick nail piercing through your palms, or wearing a crown full of thorns or your closest beloved friend pushing you to death?
my pain and fears are nothing compared to those.
To God be the glory.